Tuesday, September 30, 2014


      Looking back to the beginning times and the first book of the bible (Genesis chapter 3) . We can simply state that women are the cause of all the problems the world face right now. If only Eve resisted temptation, if only she did not convince Adam to eat from the tree too WON'T OUR LIVES AND THIS WORLD BE BETTER. Do not get me wrong, Eve is not to be solely blamed for what happened because Adam knew better and as a truly obedient child, made in God's IMAGE, he should have stood his grounds and told Eve NO.

       Moreover, we can not dwell in that. Women were cursed and God said "to woman I will greatly multiply your grief and your suffering in pregnancy and the pains of childbearing." also that husbands will rule over us." (Genesis 3 vs 16). However, in the new testament after our savior (JESUS CHRIST) came we were redeemed and saved out of foolery, ignorance, greed, disobedience, deceit, and curiosity that once led to man's destruction. In the book of (1 Timothy 2 vs 15) it mentions how we were once cursed but we will be saved ETERNALLY if we continue in FAITH, LOVE, HOLINESS and SELF-CONTROL. Also that we will, and can be saved through what was once a curse to produce a DIVINE CHILD.

          Let me make this clearer. Check yourself WOMEN, LADIES, and GIRLS who have been chosen, called and decided to walk in the light of God. The devil set out for us DESTRUCTION but because of God's LOVE, MERCY and GRACE we are saved to be renewed and redeemed. Therefore, what the devil has planned and is working on to happen in our lives will not prevail. But we need to TRUST and OBEY the Lord wholeheartedly. 

         Women of God need to do things acceptable in God's sight. They have to live lives that are pleasing and models how God's love and personality is. Doing this gives other good ways and examples to follow. They have to stop worrying about worldly things and vanity e.g money, beauty, cars, make-up, hair, and clothes. In (Proverbs 31:30) "Charm is deceitful, Beauty is vain but a woman who fears the Lord is to be highly praised". 
         Women especially ladies have to have self-control. They have to save their selves for marriage and not defile the temple of the lord. They also need to control and dress in MODEST ways (1 Timothy 2 vs 9). Ladies, women and girls have to dress in ways that do not cause another man to sin or think of sin. If your dressing is always exposing your cleavage or other private parts Check YOURSELF. Why do you do these things? Ask God to give you strength and most importantly start to live it out. Firstly, by going through your clothes and getting rid of those clothes. Only buying clothes that are appropriate, holy and decent especially in God's eyes and yours because walking in the light you see things as God will see it. Through the (HOLY SPIRIT). If you can not do so Check YOUR HEART. DO you really love yourself? and most especially DO you LOVE GOD if not, you need to pray and ask God for his guidance, courage and power to do things according to his ways. While doing this you will find out and see your life will be very different.
             Women are to be LOVING and especially have FAITH in God. They should believe in his ways and know they were created to be helpers and wisdom to the man. So, when they do get married they should be submissive to their husbands. Keep in mind that the husband you marry or will marry one day is God ordained. However, if you do not follow proper guidelines to choose you will will be mismatched. Take time and find yourself in CHRIST and then you will be lead and your Better half, Partner, Helpmate, Mr. Right, Second Half, Soul Mate, and Bae as we may all call him. 

      PRAY CONTINUALLY AND WORK ON YOUR PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD. Ask HIM what is your plan for my life. Do not get misled again like Eve did by the devil. Yes the devil is still out there. He is there in human forms, things, choices, thoughts and reactions we come across on a daily basis. Therefore, Shield yourself with the WORD OF GOD (BIBLE) and seek for better understanding and wisdom. We are strong creations and without us Men are not able to live. We co-exist together. So, if there is a man distracting or derailing you from concentrating on God's purpose and Will for your life, You need to CLEANSE HOUSE. GET RID OF THE BAGGAGE AND FOCUS ON YOU. Eventually, later you will be ready to court and date to select the right man God has created for you. Adam was without Eve for a while and God saw he needed her so he made her. Let that be the same for your situation. LET GOD'S WILL BE DONE.

      Seek and Ask God to send you your Adam a man created and designed JUST FOR YOU. DO not Settle, Accept or Be with anyone that is not God chosen and sealed together for you. Knowing in the book of 2 Corinthians 6 vs 14 that we should not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. There is no connection with light and darkness or even right or wrong. Read 1 Corinthians 15 vs 33  simply saying bad and evil company corrupts good morals, behaviors and manners. CHOOSE FRIENDS WISELY SO YOU DO NOT BE MISLEAD AND DECEIVED. I pray that God will Open up a Heart and Mind of the people who read this post to WALK IN THE LIGHT. Leave the darkness and let God's light shine on and through your life. Stay HOLY, RIGHTEOUS and GODLY. Also check out my sister's blog souledoutsisterp.blogspot.com. "Two is better than one." Love you all but remember no one in this life will ever LOVE you more than God.

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Friday, September 26, 2014

Walking with Christ (Christian Guidebook): Are you Covered?

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Characteristics of a Christian. (LET'S CHECK OURSELVES!!!!!!!!!!!!)

              As a Christian, we are God's children and we should be living lives that portray the features of WHO, WHAT and HOW God is. We are called and through Jesus Christ we are saved. When we walk with God and his light shines on and through us, we should behave just like him.

            In the book of John Chapter 14 vs 16. Jesus Christ mentions how his father (God) will send us a Comforter, Helper, Advocate and Strength which is the (HOLY SPIRIT). The HOLY SPIRIT is person  who is always with us. It is the VOICE inside you which convicts and makes you see the TRUTH of every situation. However, WE IGNORE IT?   This is done because of distractions and we allow the FLESH to move us and not the SPIRIT OF GOD. The Holy Spirit given by God should direct our every move, thoughts and decisions. I will talk more on all the distractions on another day but for now................

           Let me get into what the Holy Spirit has inspired me to tell you. He wants everyone to keep in mind and always remember his NINE characteristics. As a christian everyone should be conscious of these practices. In the same book of John 14 vs 15 Jesus says if you  "LOVE ME YOU WILL KEEP MY COMMANDS"

            As a person who walks with God in his light you have to be willing to adhere to the spirit. The spirit brings forth fruits of LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS and SELF-CONTROL.

            How, What and Who should we show Love to. It is simple to everyone, we have to show unconditional love to our neighbor as ourselves. The greatest commandment that was given to us is LOVE. We have to demonstrate love in our actions and speech. Reflecting the God in us. Joy is just as important. We have to have gladness in our hearts and remember the joy of the LORD is our strength. Finding happiness in everything you are doing makes it easy to be joyous. Fill your mind and spirit with things that bring forth joy and you will see that your life will start showing forth JOY.
          Thirdly, is PEACE we need to always be calm and let the peace of God rain in our situations. Let the peace that passeth all understanding dwell in our hearts. When we have this we will be able to love and be joyous. When we aim for peace in every situation in our lives we are looking for common grounds with the guidance of God. Nextly, is PATIENCE this is usually one I see a lot of people battling with. We don't have patience with others and we do not even have it with God. We do not let God's time be the RIGHT TIME. We want to rush and do things ourselves. However, we have to be patience and be slow to get angry with anyone around us. We should stay calm and always wait on the LORD, to be the JUDGE in every situation.
            Fifthly, kindness and goodness should be a part of our character. These two are almost similar. When you are kind you do it out of the goodness of your heart. People who are nice, loving and wiling to do good deeds for others are really blessed. Everyone should be aiming to do so. Simply, LONG-SUFFERING and SACRIFICING  for someone else. Do something without being asked. letting the spirit lead you and making the day of someone else through wisely thought-out and spirit led speech, actions and gestures.
          Faithfulness is also as important. We need to stay grounded and loyal to our creator and savior by always believing in HIS will and knowing He can do all things for us and  nothing is impossible for Him. In the book of Hebrews 11 vs 6 God says "without faith it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to him." We have to stay always abiding in his ways and encouraging others to do so as well. Having faith is hoping in things not seen. For example if you do not have the job, car, clothes, grades etc that you want but believing God will provide and do everything for you according to HIS WILL. remembering that ALL THINGS WORK OUT FOR GOOD, FOR THOSE WHO CAN TRUST IN THE LORD.
           Gentleness is very necessary because it is being meek and humble. Knowing that it is said in the BIBLE blessed are the meek so they shall inherit the earth. Being gentle is like being humble as well for example if you get something you do not brag about it you acknowledge the one who gave it to you and you use it as a blessing to others. It is not for you to look down on others. But we should always PRAY for and ENCOURAGE one another in our walking in the LIGHT OF GOD.
            Lastly, is self-control, people do not know how to comport themselves any longer. They let things of the world derail and distract them from the ways of the LORD. Having self-control puts you above that because you are able to see what others are doing and you do not get the URGE to want to do what they are doing. You stay focused and you comport yourself in a way that is acceptable and pleasing in the eyes of God. If you need role models Look to Christ and his diligent and dedicated disciples in the bible.
         I have mentioned all these things and you may be thinking this is ALOT. How can I do this? It is simple ask for GOD'S STRENGTH. Ask to live out the life he expects for us. Pray and tell HIM. God I was blinded so I was unaware of the fruits of the spirit. Saying, now that I know them I am willing to live the life you have called me to live. Say these things and meditate on them and you will see that through the HOLY SPIRIT you will start living a changed life which only reflects God's glory.

      No one is perfect so we may mess up on these things here and there but we should not do it intentionally. Pray everyday and READ THE BIBLE. Asking for God's wisdom of his words in the bible. Also asking him to let his will be done in your life. Ask him to use you and change your situation around. Listen to empowering and inspirational songs like For your Glory, I surrender, He wants it all and so many other great gospel songs that will fill your spirit with JOY, PEACE, LOVE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS AND LASTLY SELF-CONTROL

  Thanks for reading and as you continue to seek more clarity in your walk with God. May you find it and use it for the salvation of your soul and others. God I thank you for my Life and the words I have written Bless the reader and continue to bless the writer with more knowledge to share. AMEN. Remember STAY, HOLY, GODLY and RIGHTEOUS.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

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Walking with Christ (Christian girl thoughts): Following Jesus

Walking with Christ (Christian girl thoughts): Following Jesus: I have decided to follow Jesus, I have decided to follow Jesus, a lot of you may know this song but have you decided? Mark 8:35 says &quot...


          Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and Life and the only way to his Father (GOD) is through him. (John 14 vs. 6.)

   Due to Sin, we are living in a world full of darkness. It is luring, tempting,inviting,convincing, attracting and persuading to follow the deceits, lusts and choices that of not of God's ways. Do you know that the world is owned by the devil? If not, you know NOW. Since, the time of Adam and Eve and their disobedience to God, the devil and his people run this world. They instill in our minds and hearts values, styles and decisions which is not of God and when you follow and do not get shielded from the lies you make wrong choices. But when you realize the truth because you have enough guidance and wisdom from the holy spirit you clearly see you were in the path of death and walking in darkness.

  However, there is another option Jesus Christ (the son of God) who was persecuted and died for our sins. When you decide to walk in light and choose long life eternal you follow him. Jesus Christ was sent to this world to redeem us from our sins and to all those who are desperate, willing and truly repentant you will get saved by the SAVIOR.  The hard part is remaining in the light, that  is why we  need to surround ourselves with Godly friends, inspirational music and indulge in reading the word of God (Bible) and finding out the up most reason for our lives.

   Remaining and Walking in the light is following God's commandments, praying, reading and also sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to others. It is by guiding your hearts from anything that will derail you from your goal in life which is to sit and worship with God and his son in heaven.

   Let me talk more about how you know you are DERAILING. If you can not sit through godly unwatered down and convicting sermons or read blogs or books, listen to tapes or cd's  of music that talks about the unchanging ways of the Father in heaven then you can see you have not chosen properly. In the book of (1 Corinthians 5 vs 7-11), please read those passages it mentions some of the sins that holds us back from seeing God's kingdom. For example, fornication, wild partying, cursing, slandery, stealing, lying and idolatry. Idolatry which is worshiping or having extreme love and affection of anything or anybody created by God more especially than him the creator

   To walk in the LIGHT is the best CHOICE any human being on this earth will ever make. I pray the Lord will touch a heart out there to chose LIFE ETERNAL and do away with old things and choose HIM now. Raise up from the darkness and the road to death, where you were going to perish and call on to God right now. Say, I want You, I need You and I can not live without You. Immediately you say these words and live out what you are proclaiming, your life will be different. The light of God will shine through and on your life and you will be put in the book of LIFE.

Thank you for reading this and I thank God especially for the inspiration to write this. Please always read your BIBLE and pray for wisdom and understanding of the words you read.Check out my Twin sister's blog souledoutsisterp.blogspot.com. Remember Stay Holy,Godly and Righteous. So, the blessings of God may manifest.