Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and Life and the only way to his Father (GOD) is through him. (John 14 vs. 6.)
Due to Sin, we are living in a world full of darkness. It is luring, tempting,inviting,convincing, attracting and persuading to follow the deceits, lusts and choices that of not of God's ways. Do you know that the world is owned by the devil? If not, you know NOW. Since, the time of Adam and Eve and their disobedience to God, the devil and his people run this world. They instill in our minds and hearts values, styles and decisions which is not of God and when you follow and do not get shielded from the lies you make wrong choices. But when you realize the truth because you have enough guidance and wisdom from the holy spirit you clearly see you were in the path of death and walking in darkness.
However, there is another option Jesus Christ (the son of God) who was persecuted and died for our sins. When you decide to walk in light and choose long life eternal you follow him. Jesus Christ was sent to this world to redeem us from our sins and to all those who are desperate, willing and truly repentant you will get saved by the SAVIOR. The hard part is remaining in the light, that is why we need to surround ourselves with Godly friends, inspirational music and indulge in reading the word of God (Bible) and finding out the up most reason for our lives.
Remaining and Walking in the light is following God's commandments, praying, reading and also sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to others. It is by guiding your hearts from anything that will derail you from your goal in life which is to sit and worship with God and his son in heaven.
Let me talk more about how you know you are DERAILING. If you can not sit through godly unwatered down and convicting sermons or read blogs or books, listen to tapes or cd's of music that talks about the unchanging ways of the Father in heaven then you can see you have not chosen properly. In the book of (1 Corinthians 5 vs 7-11), please read those passages it mentions some of the sins that holds us back from seeing God's kingdom. For example, fornication, wild partying, cursing, slandery, stealing, lying and idolatry. Idolatry which is worshiping or having extreme love and affection of anything or anybody created by God more especially than him the creator
To walk in the LIGHT is the best CHOICE any human being on this earth will ever make. I pray the Lord will touch a heart out there to chose LIFE ETERNAL and do away with old things and choose HIM now. Raise up from the darkness and the road to death, where you were going to perish and call on to God right now. Say, I want You, I need You and I can not live without You. Immediately you say these words and live out what you are proclaiming, your life will be different. The light of God will shine through and on your life and you will be put in the book of LIFE.
Thank you for reading this and I thank God especially for the inspiration to write this. Please always read your BIBLE and pray for wisdom and understanding of the words you read.Check out my Twin sister's blog Remember Stay Holy,Godly and Righteous. So, the blessings of God may manifest.
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