Tuesday, October 28, 2014

TRIALS OF FAITH ( 99 PROBLEMS !!!!!!!!) But MY FATHER GOT IT (God's Got it)!!!!

OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!! What struggle don't I have right now. I have financial instability, personal relationship issues with friends and others around me and my other daily routines keeps bringing about problems and concerns. However, I know the Living God I serve. Sorrows may be around but Joy comes in the Morning.

In the bible it says "Cast your burdens and cares unto the LORD, and he will sustain you: he will never suffer the righteous to be moved." (Psalm 55:22). That is what I always remember and know God's Got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Therefore, if there is anyone going through any problem just know MY GOD, OUR GOD is not too small to solve your problems. Come to him and he will give you answers to your problems. Also remember it is not always about God doing for you but, what about you doing for others. Pray that God will use you to answer another persons prayer.

Remember to Encourage and uplift others. In the bible it mentions "Brothers, if you have any words of encouragement for the people, COME AND GIVE IT."

I know all these struggles are just test of my faith and I will not be shaken because the righteous does not move at the first pond on the ground or at any noise or trials. We stand firm and TRUST IN THE LORD ALWAYS. We are Praying, Praising and Proclaiming his riches, mercies and glory to shine on and through our lives. Please my Brothers and Sisters No matter what you are going through and I can honestly say I don't think any bodies problem is as much as mine these days. But I beseech you Hold on to the FAITH. We are serving a Living God. If you are an Unbeliever know that there is a person who loves you more than anybody or anything in this world if you will surrender it all to him.  in the book of (Psalm 130:7) it says " Put your hope in the LORD, for with the LORD is Unfailing LOVE and with him is full redemption.


Caro mio bien (My dearly beloved) let's pass this test and move on. so do not go wary or faint and drop out the Race. Jump in and stand firm to finish it because the PRIZE IS SO BIG. Remember stay Godly, Righteous and Holy. God loves you and I love you also. Read your bible and Pray for understanding of it and you have a solution to all your problems.
                                         GOD'S GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014



       This is a statement of encouragement from me to you. I am just writing to you to stay encouraged and keep striving to be in God's kingdom following the narrow way.  Deciding to be in the light, live right, have the choice of life and just live eternally. Forget the wide road to the devil, destruction and darkness. God's way is the best and he has plans for everyone's lives. if only we will wholeheartedly trust and obey. God's will surpasses any other ways. That's why when you and I may plan and say we want this or that for our lives. However, God will, will always prevail. Stay strong, humble, modest, correctable, diligent and strive to always INCREASE. Meaning that as a christian and a person who follows after Jesus heart you want to always multiply his kingdom. Doing that by preaching to those who are lost and encouraging unsure people that the one and only true way is Jesus Christ. 

          Though we are many we are one body in Christ if one person is not doing their part it affects others. So, we need Godly friends to be around us so they can give good advice to appropriate behaviors as to what should be done as children of God. Also they will be living out lives that may not be hypocritical. They model and guide others in appropriate speech, attitude, and their lives are examples of ways other people should live. I urge Christians please act Christ-like. Meaning in your character you should always have love and patience and be good and kind to other people. I know because of certain behaviors people have turned their back to things of God. However, I pray that we will not be the case for us. We will stand FIRM and UNMOVABLE in the faith, trust and love we have for God. Be encouraged we are all going through the same things. In (1 Corinthians 10 vs 13) it mentions how everyone will encounter or go through a temptation that someone else has seen  or will soon likely see. However, God gives strength to resist and his power will give patience to bear any trial of faith diligently and disciplinary.
        Friends you decide to choose in this battle and race of Christianity matters a lot. We ought to pray for one another as well as confess flaws and shortcomings of ourselves to similar people for corrections. We as bodies of Christ can give each others advice and ways to better live as God's children.

        In the book of (Hebrews 10 vs 24-25) it clearly writes and tells us that we should attentively, continuously care and watch over one another thinking of good deeds to do for one another. We should not neglect but assemble together and pray together by warning and urging others to do right. If not, there are consequences and the punishment will given on judgement day. People lets Pray, Read the Bible at least once everyday. Also remember stay HOLY, GODLY AND RIGHTEOUS. I LOVE YOU BUT GOD LOVES YOU MORE that is why he sent his Son to redeem and rescue us out of sin. Stay blessed. 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Hear the CALL........................

         People AWAKE spiritually and physically. Especially spiritually you are either self- deceiving yourself or allowing others to deceive you. REMEMBER GOD IS NOT MOCKED. You have a Helper, a Comforter, Intercessor, Counselor, Advocate, Strength and Standby which is the Holy Spirit (John 14 vs 16) . However, this is only so for those who are God's children simply meaning you are listening, obeying and carrying out his commandments. Do not reject the BOOK OF LIFE (BIBLE). YOU WILL GET LOST IN THIS WORLD. Turn off all the distractions and hear his voice he will speak to you. Listen to him and do what he says. There are people out there to assist you pray to God to direct you to them. People who are not hypocrites. Who are living out what they read in the people They are modelling, guiding and mentoring others to the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God's Kingdom. I pray Someone will just SHUT OFF THE NEWS, RADIO, MUSIC, PHONES AND EVERYTHING ELSE AND SAY GOD SPEAK TO ME DO IT DILIGENTLY. HAVE A HEART OF DESIRE, DISCIPLINE AND DILIGENCE. God speaks to those people. Stay blessed.

What to do.............. in any order you like
Read the Bible
Self Reflect
Get a Spiritual Adviser
Listen to true, inspirational well though out lyrics of Gospel and main stream music if you wish.
suggestion( Jamie Grace, Lecrae, 116, Michelle Williams, Donald Lawrence, Jason Nelson, Mary Mary and those like them.)

Most importantly spend time with God. You will hear what your calling in this life of sin is to do. God's people have dominion over everything. Go posses your possession. But do it wisely and humbly do not step on any toes be just like JESUS CHRIST. 

Remember you will face persecution because our father did. you will also have trials and tests but it is how you face it that matters use God as your shield. God loves you and I love you too.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Don't take God's Grace for Granted!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            I hear a lot that God's grace is sufficient for me. People, please you have misunderstood the scriptures. In (2 Corinthians 12 vs 9-12). These scriptures are saying that HIS favor and mercies will be upon those who are weak and HIS power and strength will be their guide. It also says in the same verses that in weak times and infirmities (trials of faith) we may encounter, God will pitch a tent over and dwell on us.
             God knows each and everyone's heart and he is the father to the RIGHTEOUS. If you go around deliberately practicing SIN, Saying you are weak and you have fallen short. The grace has been forsaken by you because  any one Born of God does not deliberately, knowingly and habitually practice sin ( 1 John 3 vs. 9). Because of God we are now spiritual beings and sons of God. We have God's nature in us and we should practice his principles of life. Due to the divine sperm we cannot and will not practice sinning because we know who we are.  In (Romans 6 verse 1-2) it states
"What shall we say to all this? Are we to remain in sin in order that God's grace and mercy may multiply and overflow."
 "Certainly not" (AMP bible)
 "God Forbid"   (KJV bible)
"By no means"  ( NIV bible)
"How can we who died to sin live in it any longer?"
   These scriptures are very powerful because we have to always remember that sin was brought about to us through our ancestors especially Adam and Eve. However, through Jesus Christ we are saved. If you are still WILD PARTYING, BEING LUSTFUL, GREEDY, JEALOUS, STEALING, KILLING, FORNICATING, CURSING, IDOLIZING PEOPLE OR OBJECTS, SLANDERING, SWINDLING, SELFISHNESS, ENMITY, DRUNKENNESS, ANGER, DIVISIONS AMONG OURSELVES. Remember all these people WILL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD. Read (Galatians 5 vs. 19 - 21) and (1 Corinthians 6 vs 9 -10), in there you will find all the other SINS that will STOP YOU FROM SEEING GOD'S KINGDOM.
       You will have to repent and come clean and say to yourself I am ready Right Now to run in this race and soar like EAGLES not CHICKENS.
         In (1 Corinthians 9 vs 24-27), It mentions and explains how we are competing in a RACE. But the RIGHTEOUS, HOLY and GODLY are aiming for the prize that will not WITHER. They want the "crown of eternal blessedness." 
        May the good Lord give you strength to abide in HIS grace and yield to HIS commandments in JESUS NAME. AMEN. I Love you.  But always remember God loves YOU more. Obey him and keep his greatest commandment of LOVING HIM and your neighbors. Stay blessed.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


        In the book of  (James 1 vs 8) it states how "a man of two minds is unstable in all his ways. They are dubious, hesitant and irresolute." The person will be unreliable, uncertain in everything they feel, think and decide.  And I write this today on a throwback Thursday to tell some part of my testimony. I will show you and explain to you how I let the world, devil and flesh DERAIL me from God's purpose for my life. This is just a mini- series of a whole movie of this Disciple you see right here. I do this to compel you to want to change and for you to know you are never too far gone to come back. God's grace and mercy is sufficient and through his son and the guidance of the holy spirit you will be cleansed. However, you have to remain cleansed. In (Hebrews 10 vs 26-27) It MENTIONS HOW DELIBERATELY SINNING, THERE IS NO MORE GRACE AND MERCY FOR YOU BUT, GOD'S JUDGEMENT. This is to say that sinning should stop being a culture and daily practice.  By now we ought to know better if not, you know now, so STOP.

            In (Ephesians 2 vs 8-9) it talks about God's unmerited favor and grace on our lives. He sent His son our savior (JESUS CHRIST) to redeem us and save us out of our sins. When that happens we are changed, freed and delivered. We should never go back because the way back to the light will be even harder. I am saying this because I was once there. I was a THORNY HEART according to the book of (Mark 4 vs 19). I allowed the cares and anxieties of the world as well as the distractions of the age, and pleasures and delight in false glamour and deceitfulness of fun/ riches and the craving and passionate desire for other things to come and choke and take the WORD of God out of my Heart and Mind. I was a very committed "church goer" see the words I say church attender. I was not living out the life that I was reading in the bible or hearing in the preaching and songs in the church I was attending. I just went to church as an event. That is where many Christians go wrong.We should not make Christianity just a religious practice on a Sunday to Sunday basis or other special events your church does. It is a RELATIONSHIP with Our Almighty God. Knowing he is the ONE AND ONLY TRUE LOVER. He sent his son OUR SAVIOR (JESUS CHRIST) to save US out of sin. He is my CREATOR (GOD) and I know I owe him my life.
         However, because of this nonchalant attitude I have been through ups and downs, I was once at wild parties, I drank, used slandery, was foul tongue mouthed and greedy which are all SINS. There are some others sins people indulge in that are mentioned in (1 Corinthians 6 vs 8-10) and in (Galatians 5 vs 19-21).  You need to check those scriptures out and ask yourself I'm I truly for Christ. IF NOT SURRENDER. Here are some pictures of the ways I thought I was/could represent my FATHER WHO LOVES ME SO MUCH.  Looking back at it I know "I LIED TO MYSELF" because what glory and light did these practices bring to God. (John 8 vs. 12)  Jesus is Light and when you follow him there is no darkness in him. I have decided to follow him and I want the same for you all so, please STOP, SURRENDER, PRAY, ASK FOR FORGIVENESS and your eyes will be opened you will see that you don't want to go back. Here are two inspirational and empowering songs to help you decide. William McDowell "I won't go back" and "Withholding Nothing". Here is where to find it  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsoKRSkg2KA and the other https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdnV75zIQUA. He wants it ALL, SO GIVE HIM ALL AND HE WILL GIVE YOU ALL YOU NEED.

So, My fellow friends if you still do any of these things. It is all WRONG. They are not a Christ behavior and practice. Living for Christ should be a daily practice not a Sunday thing. Don't let the WORLD, FLESH and DECEITS from the Devil TO DECEIVE, MISLEAD AND DIRECT YOU DOWN THE WRONG PATH.He will come to drag you back and mislead you down the same way. See how convincing and deceiving he was that he caused Eve to sin. He came in a animal form which was (a snake). In this time there are other ways he comes to you through a friend, partner, party, song, food, money, job, advice, compromise, attitude, role model and so on.
     Therefore, people be strong the practice of Christianity (Christ like) is for the STRONG. We are eagles and we have to live out the commandments of God doing it with our whole hearts. Also, diligently and delighting yourself in his ways. The only rewards you will care for is those in HEAVEN. Like sitting at the feet of God and praising him forever. If you know that song Tamela Mann "I can only Imagine" you will get a little sense of sitting and standing before the KING. Chickens are those who will read this and still decide to be blind to the truth. May that not be your portion in Jesus Name AMEN. 
        I am praying right now for you that you will understand why I wrote this and I felt it necessary to share my story. I am speaking to all the lost souls who at the edge of perishing. God please rescue them and open their eyes to see the truth, way, life and light so they will choice decisions wisely henceforth. Wisdom is a gift, it only comes with the fear of the Lord. Read  (2 Corinthians 5 vs 12-15 ) and you will understand why I share this first short story and why I am bent on helping , encouraging, supporting and guiding people through the right choices in life.
        Also in the bible (Hebrews 10 vs 24) it says "let us consider and give attentive, continuous care to watching over one another, studying how we may stir up (stimulate and incite) to love with helpful deeds and activities." Please people do not take this as a way to find faults in me I was once not worthy to be called a disciple but now, I have seen the light. What about YOU, who have you chosen God or the Devil. There is only two sides. Right or wrong, bad or good, dark or light. Choose God now and you will be of good, right ways and walk in the light. Pray and Read the bible ALWAYS. Don't do anything without asking God's will for you. Don't get Mislead. Check out Heather Lindsey sermons, books and blog as well as her husbands Cornelius Lindsey. Look up Jefferson Bethke spoken words on YouTube and most especially for ladies check out HIGH HEELS AND HIGH STANDARDS by Brittjayy she has changed my life so much with her knowledge of the scripture. I thank God for her life. I also encourage you to look for Kendradeelove blog she is mighty and powerful in her words and knowledge of the scriptures. STAY HOLY, RIGHTEOUS, AND GODLY. GOD LOVES YOU.
        Remember (Mark 8 vs 35) "For whosoever wants to save his life ETERNALLY will lower his earthy life and whosoever gives up his life on earth for My sake and the Gospel will save his higher and spiritual life in the eternal kingdom of God". The life we live is not ours it is God's we were purchased by him so we have to live it according to his will Read (James 1 vs 22) That we should be doers of the word not just hearers and readers.  Also read (James 4 vs 15- 17) and seek understanding of all scriptures you read. Make sure You seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness ( His ways and truth) and then all things will be added on to you, (Matthew 8 vs 33).
      I love GOD and that is why I share "Woe is me if I do not preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ" I will be held accountable on judgement day also, if you do not change soon you will be held accountable too (2 Corinthians 5 vs 10). In fact, NOW is the time because tomorrow may be too late. I pray that will not be your situation in Jesus Name. AMEN. It is the end times and the devil is working harder and harder every day to build more disciples/ followers but you will have to say NO. JESUS IS GREAT AND I WILL FOLLOW HIM. STAY STRONG AND SOAR LIKE A EAGLE. DON'T BE A CHICKEN.

 I am here for you and I will love to answer, hear and help with understanding of concerns. So just reach out and ask me. However, I will not argue over the WORD OF GOD. This is BIBLICAL, not philosophy, theology, sociology, psychology or even religious studies. This is the TRUTH and the HOLY BIBLE contains it not books written off of research. Thanks and Be Blessed.