Wednesday, October 15, 2014



       This is a statement of encouragement from me to you. I am just writing to you to stay encouraged and keep striving to be in God's kingdom following the narrow way.  Deciding to be in the light, live right, have the choice of life and just live eternally. Forget the wide road to the devil, destruction and darkness. God's way is the best and he has plans for everyone's lives. if only we will wholeheartedly trust and obey. God's will surpasses any other ways. That's why when you and I may plan and say we want this or that for our lives. However, God will, will always prevail. Stay strong, humble, modest, correctable, diligent and strive to always INCREASE. Meaning that as a christian and a person who follows after Jesus heart you want to always multiply his kingdom. Doing that by preaching to those who are lost and encouraging unsure people that the one and only true way is Jesus Christ. 

          Though we are many we are one body in Christ if one person is not doing their part it affects others. So, we need Godly friends to be around us so they can give good advice to appropriate behaviors as to what should be done as children of God. Also they will be living out lives that may not be hypocritical. They model and guide others in appropriate speech, attitude, and their lives are examples of ways other people should live. I urge Christians please act Christ-like. Meaning in your character you should always have love and patience and be good and kind to other people. I know because of certain behaviors people have turned their back to things of God. However, I pray that we will not be the case for us. We will stand FIRM and UNMOVABLE in the faith, trust and love we have for God. Be encouraged we are all going through the same things. In (1 Corinthians 10 vs 13) it mentions how everyone will encounter or go through a temptation that someone else has seen  or will soon likely see. However, God gives strength to resist and his power will give patience to bear any trial of faith diligently and disciplinary.
        Friends you decide to choose in this battle and race of Christianity matters a lot. We ought to pray for one another as well as confess flaws and shortcomings of ourselves to similar people for corrections. We as bodies of Christ can give each others advice and ways to better live as God's children.

        In the book of (Hebrews 10 vs 24-25) it clearly writes and tells us that we should attentively, continuously care and watch over one another thinking of good deeds to do for one another. We should not neglect but assemble together and pray together by warning and urging others to do right. If not, there are consequences and the punishment will given on judgement day. People lets Pray, Read the Bible at least once everyday. Also remember stay HOLY, GODLY AND RIGHTEOUS. I LOVE YOU BUT GOD LOVES YOU MORE that is why he sent his Son to redeem and rescue us out of sin. Stay blessed. 

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